July 2016
Dear Friend of the Family,
When Rosemary asked if I would write a cover note for the latest Casey’s Fund newsletter, I
jumped at the chance to let you know how grateful we are.
There was a little chill in the mountain air as the group of teens and 20-
somethings gathered around the spruce tree. This would be their last night
together. Jen, the camp director, offered everyone a chance to place a rock at the
base of the tree, symbolizing something they’d like to leave behind in Montana.
Everyone laughed when Brandon picked up a huge boulder and lugged it over to
the tree, dropping it with a big thud. He’d been quiet for most of the week, but
tonight he told his story.
Brandon and his mom had been homeless for most of his life, he said, and they
were frankly not on the best of terms. When he was diagnosed with cancer and
needed chemotherapy, she would drop him off in front of the hospital.
Throughout his treatment, he never had a single visitor, never had anyone to talk
to, except for a kind nurse. In fact, he had never had anyone in his life he could
call a friend.
Now, Brandon said with a little crack in his voice, he had, like, twelve friends.
Actual friends who get it, and he wanted every single one of them in his life
Because of you, Brandon got to come to Montana. For the first time in his life, he knows he’s not
alone. You did that, and we are so grateful to you!
Most likely, you opened your heart to Casey’s Fund because you knew Casey Beaupre. If you
met her even once, you would surely remember her – that smile, that sparkle! Here in Montana,
Casey was a standout, an adventurer, a young woman of strength and character, that person
you’d choose to be your friend for life.
It’s been six years since cancer snuck up behind Casey Beaupre and snatched that beautiful
smile, that young life full of promise. It should not happen to anyone. It should never happen to
anyone’s child.
And yet, Casey’s spirit lives on.
Casey lives on. Because her mother and father struggled and found healing in helping young
cancer survivors. Because her siblings will always know how she changed their lives. Because
the whole family, in their deepest sorrow, came together to honor Casey by helping others,
focusing on the needs of young adults with cancer, by starting Casey’s Fund for Big Sky Kids.
Now, Casey lives on because of you.
I’ll tell you a secret about young adult cancer survivors. They are better at living than just about
anyone you’ll ever meet. We all try to live every moment, right? But you have to be around
these amazing young people to realize there’s an art to it. And they have it down, because they
have come way too close to the alternative.
You’ve helped us create Casey’s Fund as a permanent endowment that will continue to offer
love, hope, friendship, and support to young adult cancer survivors forever. Until there’s a cure,
we will be right here.
Best of all, Casey’s Fund is going to bring Brandon back to Montana, for the Young Adult Retreat,
this summer. He is ecstatic, and so are we! And we owe it all to you.
Please enjoy the newsletter, produced with love by Casey’s family, and sent with our warmest
thanks from Eagle Mount and the Big Sky Kids as well.
And as you read about the joy, strength, connection, and empowerment Casey’s Fund is bringing
into these precious young lives, please remember, none of this would be possible without your
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
Mary Peterson
Executive Director
P.S. Someone said that, with more than 3,000 participants and volunteers, Eagle Mount is the
biggest family in Montana. We’re glad you’re part of it! If you’re ever in the neighborhood, we’d
love to see you.